Grazing at the helm is The Bull. He is strong and determined to make sure everything runs smoothly. Running a tight ship and taking no Bull...
This cute little furry one works tirelessly to have everything in order. A fun fact, a mouse can jump a foot in the air. This one is always reaching new heights!
Our Production Manager is The King of the Jungle! Making sure his team are on point at every stage are his Mane objectives.
Ready to swing into action and handle anything thrown his way. You need to be cool and calm to be a great Project Manager!
Load it on his silverback. Managing projects are this big guy's strength. The only thing he beats more than deadlines is his chest!
Dedicated to making sure things are on point is the Chimp! No monkey business with this guy. Quality work all the way!
Working hard in installs & fabrications is our lion. He takes pride in his work making sure all creations are finished to perfection.
You're in good hands with this pack, ready to help and work with each other. Working clever and at speed they will have you howling too!
Meet our amazing Print Finisher. She will cast her hawk-eye over every detail, ensuring the highest standards only!
Leading our transport team we have the mighty Gorilla, making sure his troop is directed and you receive a swift service is his strength!
Our cuddly friendly Panda is head of accounts, very black and white she doesn't get bamboozled with figures.
Quirky and colourful, a true natural beauty! Let her take your idea and fly with it!
Also on the print line we have the Frog, jumping immediately into action with his team. Reebit Reebit.
Never grizzly is our bear in print production, making sure all of the printing is of the highest quality and not just the bear necessities.